Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Eric: You have come a long way from Keewawa!

June 17th is my nephew, Eric's, 17th birthday. Happy Birthday Eric! He is 17 on the 17th.

When Eric was little he had the cutest little "bowl" haircut. Hopefully I can find a good picture of it. I am sure Eric is hoping I can't put my finger on one.

It is hard to believe that Eric is 17. I remember his younger years just like they were yesterday. When Eric was about 1 or 2 he became very attached to his little baby quilt that had eyelet trim on it. For whatever reason Jan and Larry didn't want to refer to it as "blankie" so somehow it got named "pretty cover". Now when I say attached, I mean attached. If Eric was upset or crying for whatever reason you could hand him "pretty cover" and he would clutch it, stick his thumb in his mouth and all was quiet. When he was learning to talk Eric couldn't say "pretty cover" and it came out "Kee-Wa-Wa" instead, so then we all started calling it Keewawa. When Jan used to wash it Eric would sit and cry at the top of the basement steps whimpering "Keewawa! Keewawa!"

Eric has a completely different personality than his older brother, Lane, but they actually get along very well. I always used to joke with my sister, Jan. When I am old and in the nursing home: Lane will come and visit me everyday, and tell me he likes my house slippers... Eric will make sure I have the biggest and best TV in my room, and will spring for cable! Between the two of them all I know I will be well taken care of at the old folks home.

Eric loves to joke on my Mom. He always jokes with her that she "went to the bakery" when she shows up with homemade rolls, pies or bread. No family dinner is complete without Eric razzing Grandma about her "bakery" rolls.

You may have noticed that last month was Taylor's 17th birthday. Yep, they are just 5 or so weeks apart in age, and have been best of buds since the beginning, even though Eric referred to Taylor as "Trailer" for the first several years.

Now that I am dating an "Eric" there are multiple Erics. Kind of like we have multiple Ja(y)nes in my family.... nothing is simple.

Anyway Happy Birthday Eric! I hope you have a great day that is Keewawa kind of happy!


Sarah said...

I'm sure the one thing Eric wanted on the internet about him was the story of Keewawa! Ahhh the joys of embarassing young'uns!

Anonymous said...

I love the "Joe Cool" picture---I'm pretty sure it's from the Easter at your parent's house when Eric made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. All the kids were hunting for candy when I heard the biggest burp I've ever heard in my life. Seriously, it was the burp of a five hundred pound guy who'd just eaten fifty hot wings and washed them down with a gallon of beer. The next thing I heard was Eric's tiny, squeaky, little-kid voice saying, "'Scuse me, please. I had a burp."