Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Birthday Blogs Continue

Okay, so July is over and you would think there would be a break in the birthday blogging since "Everyone I know was born in July", but August starts off with two birthdays.

August 1st is my Mom's birthday, and my oldest niece Ashley's birthday. I will start with Ashley. It is hard to believe but she turns 21! When did that happen? I am alternately excited and completely freaked out that Ashley and I can actually go out for a beer now, with neither of us being under threat of being carted off to jail. Ashley is currently recovering from knee surgery… kind of a bummer summer, huh? Oh well, I am sure she is making the best of it… she is good about that. It is still hard to believe that she is 21, I guess that makes me old. I remember very well when she was just a little tot, planting marshmallows in her Mom's flower bed in an attempt to grow and harvest one of her favorite foods. I also remember that when she was learning to talk, they taught her to say "Ciao, baby!" instead of good-bye… how Italian Riviera. I must admit, it was pretty hysterical. Anyway, Happy Birthday Ashley! I was going to say that I would buy you a beer the next time I see you, but instead I think maybe you should buy me one!

Happy Birthday Mom! Today is my Mom's 71st birthday. Ashley (her first grandchild) was born on her 50th birthday. My Mom is the least annoying person I know. I know that is perhaps a strange thing to say, but it is true. You know how pretty much everyone you know, even the people you love with all of your heart, do something that just bugs you but it really isn't that big of a deal so you just bite your tongue because you are just being petty and you love them and you know if you said anything it would hurt their feelings… that kind of thing? Well, my Mom doesn't really have an annoying something or other… I love that about her, but at the same time am sort of jealous about it too because I know I am not like that. Maybe that is her "annoying thing"… the fact that she is not annoying! My Mom makes me laugh… a lot, and the best part is she is never really trying to make me laugh, she just says stuff that cracks me up. She also loves the Cardinals, but she is very low key about it. You don't really think she is paying all that much attention, then like she did the other night when Eric and I were at my parents house, she notices that Julian Tavarez (aka "High Cinco" by Allison Sit) is pitching for the Braves, and says "Hey, he pitched for the Cardinals, right?" Heck, even I have lost track of High Cinco over the years and didn't realize he was with the Braves. I like that kind of attention to details, Mom. Happy Birthday Mom!... High Cinco on the big 7-1!

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