Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Old Block!

Happy Birthday Mike Noyd!

Today is Eric's Dad's birthday. I like Mike, he cracks me up. On of my favorite moments was being at Mike and Linda's house for dinner and card playing one night… perhaps just the second time I ever met/hung out with the Noyd clan… and Mike asking me during a lull in the card game "Do you fart in your sleep?" I thought it was great because one, it is an excellent question, and two, the look on everyone else's face was priceless. Eric was pretty cool, he knew me rather well by then and knew I would think it was funny… but Travis was beside himself with "Gee Dad, she's new did you have to quiz her about farting so early?!". The answer to the question was "I assume I do, but I haven't ever been awaken by said farts so I can't confirm" If this topic sounds familiar it is because I blogged about it when it happened.

Mike is also quite the Cash Cab player. When we were in Springfield for the Masonic Grand Lodge (state meeting for Masons) were were killing some time before a dinner in Mike's hotel room. Eric and I introduced him to our favorite show Cash Cab (a game show you play in a cab in NYC that is on Discover) and he was totally into it. We definitely need to get to NYC sometime and take a cab ride… I think the three of us make a good team and could win some serious cash.

I see a lot of Mike in Eric... that's a good thing by the way. You might say that Eric is a "chip off the old block"… hence the title of this post. They both have kind of a quiet side where they are content to take in the surroundings and situation and wait to jump into the conversation only when they have something of consequence to say. The both can be quite literal and punny, and even silly at times. They both know their Bible and are truly men of God, and put family first. I must say that as I write this I am very thankful that my future-husband has had his dad as a role model… I think I will be in good hands.

Happy Birthday Mike!

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