Sunday, March 2, 2008

108 to Go!

Saturday I met Eric in Peoria at Scott and Tara's house. Scott and Tara are Eric's best friends, and they so very graciously offered to put Eric and me up for the night on Saturday, so they definitely get the Kudos for the day. Both Eric and I had other obligations early on Saturday and then later on Sunday, so meeting halfway in Peoria was probably the only way we were going to get to see each other this weekend, before I leave for Florida next weekend. It was great to get to spend some time together, and to get to meet his friends. I think I passed the "best friends" test, so hopefully Eric will keep me around for awhile :)

Saturday night we went to Old Chicago for pizza and beer. It was delicious and the company was delightful. Eric and Tara introduced me to Old Chicago's "World Beer Tour". They offer 110 beers from around the world... I had a Schlafly Stout and Killian Red... only 108 to go!!! Eric is up to 81 (not to worry it has taken him about 4 years to get that far... not just one night)... I have lots of catching up to do. I will be sure to keep everyone apprised of my WBT (World Beer Tour) progress here on the blog.

1 comment:

Abe and Allison said...

Funny thing...we were just talking about Old Chicago tonight. Some of Abe's co-workers went there recently. I used to go to one back when I was in college, but I was too young to start the beer tour yet!