Thursday, July 17, 2008

Uncle George & Jenn: Birthday Buddies

Okay so the crazy amount of birthday blogging continues, and I have to admit I have been a bit of a slacker because yesterday was my Dad's 72nd birthday. But today is my friend Jenn Thomas' birthday and since one of my stories involves the two of them I decided a combo birthday blog was in order.

Ah my Dad... I am not sure I can really top last year's birthday blog, so be sure to check it out if you can. I must admit the GTA (George Tjardes Approved) pepper shaker rating has taken off like wildfire. The first time I peppered at Eric's house his shakers totally GTA... I knew we could continue dating. I must admit that last Saturday at a wedding the pepper shaker was not GTA and I most definitely followed in my fathers footsteps and screwed the top off and tapped out the pepper that way. My Dad had a tough spring, on two consecutive Fridays in March his brother and farming partner for over 45 years, Harry, and Robert, the man that was their hired hand for 26 years beginning in 1969 passed away. I can't imagine what it would be like to have the two men you spent the majority of your working career, your everydays with suddenly be gone... let alone within a single week. My Dad has managed to carry on, and I truly admire him for that.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Jenn! Growing up Jenn always referred to my Dad as "Uncle George" I never completely got that... we were not related, but only later in life did I discover that you do not need to be related by blood to be "family". Along those same lines Jenn's daughters call me "Aunt Jane", and I am honored.

So one of my best Jenn stories I believe I told in last year's blog. We had gone out with John and his friend Todd and came back to my parents house, and Jenn was blitzed. She proceeded to tell my Dad, "George I am OBLIVIATED!" My Dad's response was classic George, "Yes Jennifer, I can see that, I can see that you are "obliviated". Dad and Jenn still both enjoy that story even though it happened about 14 years ago.

Jenn has had kind of a tough spring as well. In May John was reassigned to his new Air Force position in Colorado Springs but Jenn and the girls are staying behind in Omaha (at least for the time being) until their house sells. I know the separation is very difficult on their entire family and in the middle of it all Jenn has kept their home "showing ready" for the past six months with a 4-year old and 7-year old in residence. That is perseverance, and I truly admire Jenn for keeping it together. Through all of this she is still the same good ol' Jenn asking me about how things are going with Eric, checking up on my parents, asking about Nikki.

Jenn has been my friend ever since I can remember. I love that I don't have to fill her in on my history. I love that we can talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!

So Dad and Jenn... I hope your birthdays are FABULOUS!!!!

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