Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Year of Birthday Blogging: Happy Birthday to my favorite Yankee Doodles

Can you believe it? It is the first anniversary of the Birthday Blogging... it all started one year ago when I kicked it all off with the "Everyone I know was born in July" birthday blogs, the first blogees being John Todd and Matt Dvorak aka D-Vak. John and D-Vak are celebrating their birthdays today... one day after our nation.

Happy Birthday boys! I am not sure that I can add too much to last year's blog. John and D-Vak continue to be as awesome as ever. I am always amazed at how many wonderful friends I have found at the Assembly Hall... especially in the late 1990's early 2000's.

I just saw John last week when I got to have a great date with his son, Jeremiah. Over the past year I have had the pleasure of watching John be a great Dad... it has been lots of fun.

Randomly enough I got an email from D-Vak not long ago too. We haven't caught up with each other in quite some time. He just wanted to say hi, and said that he was pretty much all caught up on my life via the blog. I am never really sure who reads the blog, and I love to hear that people do.

Please flip back to last year's blog to remember all great things John and D-Vak. In the meantime join me in wishing these little firecrackers a very Happy Birthday!

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