Friday, February 1, 2008

"Shovel Shoulder" and Snow Theater

It snowed a lot here last night... I am guessing in the 8+ inches range. Needless to say, when it snows that much I have lots of shoveling to do... why didn't I buy a condo? Anyway, I shoveled the first layer last night, and went out at 6:30 this morning to tackle the rest. All in all about 2.5 hours of shoveling. That is where the term "Shovel Shoulder" comes from... my left shoulder is killing me, not to mention my barking back. Actually I developed "Shovel Shoulder" about 2 or 3 snows ago back in early December. Argghh... it is my left shoulder so Nik says that I have Mark Mulder sympathy pains.

So the "Snow Theater" thing. When I was shoveling the drive this morning I was witness to a young couple driving by in a Jeep Wrangler. They had their little plastic windows unzipped I am guessing to keep them from fogging up. Anyway it was very quiet on my street and for the entire block I could definitely hear them having the biggest fight ever. The young lady launched about 20 f-bombs in in less than 30 seconds. I was starting to hit a wall in my shoveling at that point, so the entertainment was actually enjoyable. I call it "Snow Theater" because it reminds me of the "Beach Theater" Nik, Jeanne and I got to watch in Florida a couple of years ago. That time an older couple were having a big argument on the beach not too far from us. Oh, and after the "Snow Theater" was over some crazy lady came jogging by on my street... who jogs in this kind of weather? Anyway, she was very nice and encouraging and complimented me on my shoveling... I was nearing end then and need some encouragment.

Alas... the joys of snow!


Anonymous said...

According the to tradition the Snow must on with the snow.

Anonymous said...

You and your sympathy pains for my Mark. Aren't you sweet :) Oh, and I read that Mark is not allowed to play golf this offseason so that he can fully must be killing him!


Sarah said...

keep telling stories like that- it reminds me that i don't really miss snow - i only think i do