Monday, November 12, 2007

Crack those nuts... Smash that cake

So Saturday was a big day. In the afternoon I watched the Illini football team hand #1 ranked Ohio State their first defeat of the season. Okay, I should clarify, I watched the game on TV, not in person from Columbus. Anywho, Nikki, Larimer and Jake came over for the game and some lasagna. It was a good time, and I don't have many leftovers so I don't have to eat lasagna for the next 12 days. It was kind of cool watching a game with Jake, since he was a member of the team last year... he provided an "insider" viewpoint. Also, he quickly picked up on who to counteract the "announcers jinx". For those of you unfamiliar allow me to explain. The announcers jinx is when the announcer says this hasn't happened all day, and then it happens. For example "Well you know Bob, Illinois has been doing a bang up job protecting the football today.", and then on the very next play Illinois fumbles. You can totally counteract the announcers jinx if you catch it early enough in the sentence and then just start yelling things at the TV loud enough that you have basically drowned out what ever was being said. It was great to see Jake jumping in with a "Hey, hey, hey!" Anyway the game was awesome and we had a great time hanging out together.

After the game Nikki and I headed to Fisher for Jeremiah's 1st birthday party. It was rather exciting as well. The best part was Jeremiah eating his cake. Please see all of the photos below. In some of them he looks like a victim of a violent crime, but it is red frosting. Also, he isn't crying as you might think he is squealing with delight. There are a couple other photos of him playing with the back of wrapping paper trash, which was far more entertaining than any of his gifts, and of his new Illini sweatshirt (believe or not Nik and I did not give him that) which was perfect since we had beaten OSU earlier, and of John working furiously to get Jeremiah's new toy out of the box. Oh, and speaking of John and Jeremiah's new toy. It was a caterpillar that have various different learning games. One was to hit the different letters on its feet to spell words and learn phonics. John so tried to spell and therefore get the caterpillar to say "bad words". The best part is that when you try certain letter combinations, the caterpillar stops saying the letters and says "Oh, that tickles!"

So Saturday was a good day. The Illini cracked those nuts, and Jeremiah smashed that cake!

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