Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

Well it is just after 10:00 a.m. Thankksgiving morning. I really should be getting in the shower and heading to my Mom and Dad's house, but I have to work tomorrow so this was my one chance to sleep in. Anyway I thought I would do a quick post and list the many things I am thankful for. I will start witht the Four F's... faith, family, friends and freedom. Take any one of the four away and my life would pretty much cease to exist as I know it.

Now for the less obvious things, in no particular order, this will be a stream on consciousness thing so watch out! I am thankful for flannel sheets, bubble bath, pedicures, Nutrgena tinted lip balm, lotion. I am thankful for Starbucks, hot tea, flavored coffee creamer, chocolate in all of its woderful forms and turkey sandwiches. I would like to give thanks for wireless internet, warm blankets, DVRs, ESPN, BRAVO and HGTV, Gary Allan, Joe Nichols and Sugarland, Cher, Prince, Madonna, Nelly, and Bon Jovi. I am thankful for the run up the middle, the long bomb, going yard, the double play, taking a charge, a 3 point play the hard way, and a sweet 3 point shot at the buzzer to win the game. I am thankful for songs of praise, the electric slide, YMCA, children laughing, old folks snoring, and moving parties. I am thankful for hugs and kisses, high-fives, tearful sobs, sighs of relief and shouts of joy, and knuckle bumps. I am thankful for two jobs that most of the time I really enjoy, I am thankful that one puts a roof over my head and clothes on my back, while the other pays for all of my fun.

This list is never ending. I am so completely blessed. I am thankful for each of you, my wonderful readers. Please leave a comment and tell me one thing you are thankful for... even if you are one of those who never leaves a comment or it is New Years before you read this post. Happy Thanksgiving everyone... God bless you all.


Abe and Allison said...

I am thankful for friends like you, Jano! See you Saturday! :)

Sarah said...

Jane, I LOVED this blog. Had my sister not broken my computer/internet over the weekend, I would have tried to emmulate you. But, here are a few things I am thankful for: puppies, kittens, and laugher that comes from the heart.