Monday, June 25, 2007

Jon & Kate plus 8

So TLC has done it again, and completely sucked me into yet another show that I don't really need to watch... Jon & Kate plus 8. Other TLC shows that I am strangely drawn to include Miami Ink, What Not to Wear, and Little People, Big World. So Jon & Kate plus 8 is about a married couple that has 6-year old twins (2 girls, Cara & Mady) and 2-year old sextuplets (3 girls, Alexis, Hannah and Leah, and 3 boys, Aaden, Colline and Joel). I managed to get sucked into multiple episodes on Sunday night, hence why I actually know all of the kids names. FYI, fertility treatments were involved with both births.

Anywho, for whatever reason I kind of like this show. As you can imagine a house with 2 6-year olds and 6 2-year olds is kind of crazy, but not as completely insane as you would think. This couple has been blessed with an incredible sense of humor (I am guessing that if you didn't have one before 8 kids, you would probably be forced to find one fast), and I am completely amazed by Kate's organizational skills. In one episode Jon & Kate decided to write a will, (why they waited until they had 8 kids, two of which they have had for 6 years I don't know) so their attorney was asking them when they wanted the kids to get any of the life insurance money that remained after they were taken care of, age 18, after college, age 30 etc. To which Kate says to Jon, "Oh honey, the kids are better off if we are dead", and Jon responds very deadpan, "They are sleeping aren't they, I don't want them to find this out and kill us... they will be the death of us, but..."

I am not sure when this show is on, but check it out. Well that is it... boring day today, sorry.

Oh, today kudos go to my Mom, who was in town today and came to the bank and took me to lunch... thanks Mom!

1 comment:

MJ said...

I (we) watch this show too. I got sucked in a while ago and get a kick out of the two of them and the whole situation. I've even printed pictures of Kate's hair to show my stylis.
John has watched a few episodes with me and hasn't complained too badly.
Not to mention, it seemed to be the only thing on last night.