Yesterday (Saturday) my friend from high school, Lisa, was passing through town. Actually Lisa and I go back as far as pre-school, not all that unusual when you hail from Gibson City. Anyway Lisa and I went to lunch at the new Jupiter's Pizza and Billiards in southwest Champaign, scoping it out at a potential site for our 20th high school class reunion this coming summer. Yep, 20 years has passed since the Class of 1988 left the hallowed halls of Gibson City High School... we were pre-consolidation, no GCMS for us thank you.
It was great to catch up with Lisa. She lives in Indy with her kids Jack and Emma, and works as a meeting planner for Roche. We don't keep up with one another all that much, but always manage to have lots of laughs when we do. There is never any of the "Well why didn't you call me/email me?" drama, we just picked up where we left off the last time. I don't keep up with a lot of my Gibson City friends, so I truly do enjoy catching up with them and reliving our past. My childhood and young adult years in Gibson City were pretty much idyllic. Of course at the time I thought I had it so rough, but the older I get and the more people I meet I realize that I was so incredibly blessed to have been raised by loving and solid parents in a safe and loving community. I always knew that not everyone was blessed with as good as a situation as I had, but having met and been in relationship with adults whose childhood was not idyllic and seeing the effects that it has on them for the rest of their lives, even those that have been able to rise up from them.... Wow, all I can do is praise God for my good fortune.
So, you are all probably wondering what the heck the post title refers to. Well when we were in 4th grade our class performed the musical "Alice in Wonderland". Lisa and I were Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, respectively. It was pretty much the beginning and end of my show-biz career. Seriously, I had no talent, I think one of the reasons I got the part of Tweedle Dum is because I was a smart kid and so I could totally handle all of my classmates calling me "Tweedle DumB!". I remember that musical like it was yesterday... I remember Lisa's mom calling my Mom and inviting me to go with them to Champaign to see "Lady and the Tramp" at the theater (the Virginia Theater by the way for those of you who care, and/or are old enough to remember when it was a movie theater) and then we could practice our lines together on the way there and back. After the movie we
had ice cream sundaes at the soda counter at Robeson's Department Store. It was a huge deal... I didn't get to go to movies very often then, let alone practice my lines in the car. Anywho, so the pictures are of us now and as the Tweedles. Please excuse the current day photo... I took it myself and obviously at this close range the fact that I am slightly closer to the camera makes me look like a really "bid-headed" person. It was a comedy of errors taking that photo and Lisa was quick to point out "Well, you were Tweedle DUM!".
In a random twist of fate, that evening after reliving the 80's with Lisa over lunch, I went to Quest's (my church) annual volunteer party on Saturday night. It had a back to the future theme and we were encouraged to dress 50's, 80's or Future. I broke out my 80's outfit from Busey's 80's holiday party a few years ago and won the "best costume" prize. I didn't take any pictures with my camera, but I will post one here when they are available on Quest's website.
So that was my Saturday. Today's Kudos go to Lisa for only rolling her eyes slightly when I said she was going to be my blog topic and that I would be posting a pic of us from 4th grade... you rock girlfriend!
Editors Note: Lisa is in the middle in the second picture, and on the left in the first one, but hopefully you figureed that out. Also, you can see the "Mad Hatter" in this photo as well, played by Errol Rottman. FYI, Errol Rottman is a jet pilot in the U.S. Air Force now, and well if you grew up with Errol you would just find it odd that he is in part responsible for our nation's defense.